New Brunswick Foster Family Association
NBFFA Conference date October 25,26,27, 2024
Conférence AFANB 2024 25,26,27 octobre 2024
2024 Registration - d'inscription 2024
Conference and AGM Registration Open until October 20th, 2024
Inscription ouvert jusqu'au 20 octobre 2024

Yearly Scholarships
Creative Contest

Creativity Contest
The New Brunswick Foster Family Association (NBFFA) is pleased host a creativity contest for children in care. The theme of the contest is “What Does Fostering Mean to You?” You can draw a picture, take a photo, write a poem, create a collage, build a structure with Lego or other materials or even write an essay! This is your time to be creative! Express yourself!
Age Categories:
2 to 5 years old
6 to 8 years old
10 to 14 years old
15 to 19 years old
There will be a $50.00 per category.
Guidelines: - Put your name, address, and age on the back of the paper or on a separate piece of paper describing your project. - DO NOT put your name on the front of your paper.
Entries can be hand delivered or mailed to your local NBFFA Director or member. You can also scan and send your entry to the
The contest deadline is September 30th 2024
P.O Box 413, Bathurst N.B E2A 3Z3


Creative Writing
Creative writing, a form of artistic expression, draws on the imagination to convey meaning through the use of imagery, narrative, and drama.

Photography is the art of capturing light with a camera, usually via a digital sensor or film, to create an image.

A poem is a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are carefully arranged, often in short lines which rhyme.

Painting is defined as the process of applying paint, or another medium, to a solid surface – usually a canvas. Paints or other forms of color are commonly applied to using a paintbrush. However, artists do use different tools such as sponges, spray paint.